Patrick is a man constantly on the run from *somebody*, for he holds one of the largest bounties in their world. Between the bounty hunters, people out for revenge (he pisses off a lot of people), and the assassins sent by his past lover (Lasiar, who happens to be currently trying to take over the world), he's constantly on the move with his twin brother, Philemon, who he accidentally dragged into this mess.
Following the death of their mother, Patrick winds up leaving his twin brother, Philemon (Phile), at around 17-18 yrs old (he got scared and ran). He has some not great experiences with the rest of humanity as he tries to survive on his own, eventually deciding that he lowkey hates them. Then he meets Lasair, a Spirit(1), who also despises humanity (mad at its sisters for choosing them over it a millennium ago). Together, they form a group of people equally as hurt and angry at the world, who are fully on board with assisting Lasair in slowly killing out humanity. Eventually though, he begins to doubt this choice and their group, realizing that maybe humanity sort of maybe is worth saving (takes a while for him to realize this; he's deep in the trenches), freaks the fuck out, then escapes Lasair and the group they built together. Then he begins his life on the run from those who want the bounty on his head (Las put it there), or revenge for the blood he spilled under Lasair's service.
Sooo... Patrick is on the run due to his previous work as an accomplice and second-hand-man to the entity Lasair, a Spirit hell-bent on the destruction of humanity (and was his previous lover/partner/its complicated). During his time there, he was going under the name "Ruari", since he wanted to separate himself entirely from "Patrick". He starts going by Patrick/Pat only when he starts traveling with Phil again (so there's a period of time where he just didn't really go by anything).
OH and Lasair is an entity made primarily out of fire. It's inhuman. This is also why Pat has a lot of fire imagery, and also why he has such complicated feelings about fire.
After escaping, Patrick vows to put a stop to Lasair's plans to end the world. Unfortunately for him, this is around the time that he happens to stumble back into his twin, Philemon. The issue? They've been estranged for about a decade now, aaaand Patrick might've faked his death at some point-- it's hard to keep track of these things!
Regardless, Patrick accidently ropes Phil into this mess, and together, they work to find a way to stop Lasair's plans while dodging bounty hunters, assassins, and any other shenanigans that fall into their laps.
Despite the crippling guilt though we stay silly (and by silly I mean he falls into the familiar script of behavior he exhibited when he and Phile were kids in order to appear Normal, mostly for Phile's sake but also to ignore the Guilt and Problems he's in- which just happens to be Silly :] )
Little things:
Patrick doesn't like himself very much, and is guilty as fuck about everything in his past. He doesn't really have any idea of how to defeat Lasair, but he does know one thing: he wants to destroy himself in the process. So... think of one of those hero deaths you see, where the hero winds up dying while killing the villain. He doesn't exactly view himself as a hero, but it's the same concept: he doesn't want to be alive, and dying a hero seems like a good way to redeem himself for what he's done, in his eyes.
Fire motifs, mostly because of his connection to Las. Also a big part of his character is running away: he runs away from Phil in the beginning, runs away from humanity during his time with Lasair, then runs away from Lasair. He's always running from something (contrasted with Phil, who is always running towards something).
"How do you be a good person, or at least pretend to be."
They live on a desert planet! It's a mix of solar technology, lots of glass and machinery, that sort of thing. You have a technology/cowboy mix thing going on (Pat leans more cowboy while his brother leans more technology). I'm still debating animals and flora right now.
Lasair and Patrick's relationship wasn't great for either of them, to put it lightly. Lots of fighting and just generally taking out frustrations on one another. They both still love one another though, even after Pat leaves (which he has some issues about; he doesn't like that he *misses* it).
Design stuff:
* He shaves his head right after leaving Lasair, for he knows that the haircolor is super distinct (and its the one color he shares with Las; he's metaphorically cutting himself off from it).
* He starts wearing the gloves to hide the burns all over his hands, with bandages to cover the ones the gloves can't. He got these from Lasair (past lovers = he definitely fucked a bonfire. Slay.)
* Mostly plain clothing because it doesn't make him stand out quite as much.
* COWBOY HAT,, to hide the rest of the hair/hair color, and also because it was a gift from the first people that made him doubt his mission with Las
* The boots have little silicone-like things on the bottom that create animal tracks when he walks; he can replace these with different ones. This is so it's harder for people to track him.
* Gun holster on his thigh; it's dangerous out there, so he keeps it on him despite the fact that he doesn't really want to use it anymore. He's very skilled with this weapon.
* Covered in freckles from head-to-toe, except in the areas where he was burned.
* He grew out a goatee after leaving Las; another way to change up his looks in order to hide.
* That tear in his left ear is from when he got an earring ripped out. This happened before he met Las, but after he left Phil; the earring was from when he got matching earrings with Phil, who had been nervous about it. Something something this could also be metaphoric of Phil being torn out of his life, but tbh its just because I wanted to draw him with a ripped ear lol
I also gave him a playlist :3
Listen to it in order; there's a timeline thing going on here. Goes from:
OKAY onward to the other characters